Friday, March 26, 2010

Wanting vs. Needing vs. Receiving

I always knew what I wanted in a man.... Okay, scratch that. I always thought I knew what I wanted in a man. But more and more lately, I am finding myself entertaining the words of men of whom aren't in my highly qualified category. Now, don't read too deep into that statement, because to become highly qualified doesn't take a lot. I don't ask for much.

Let's list it:

  1. God Fearing (Self Explanatory- I think)
  2. Educated (Either formal or street, it doesn't matter- Just can't have a "dummy" on my hands.
  3. Common sense (Even with education, street or formal you need this)
  4. Go Getter aka Ambitious (Can't wait until someone brings you food, gotta go get it.)
  5. No children- (Preferably) I don't have any, so ummmmm.... yeah
  6. Compliments me, and vice versa.
  7. Respectful - No double standards
  8. Cleanliness
  9. Height Requirement (You need to be ___ this tall to ride this ride) ; )

(I may add more later)

But with what is there- I still don't think I'm asking for a lot. So why can't I get it? It's not that I'm not flexible, I'll accept a gentleman that may be missing a quality or two, but not a lot.... So where is he? Am I no longer able to distinguish between, want, need and what I'll actually receive?