As we ask repeatedly, what is wrong with the youth, we must first take a good look at our elders. Not necessarily the elders 65 and older; but, the parents, the grandparents. Whoever is raising the children.
On my way out of the restroom at work I held the door open for three older women. Not only because of age, but simple courtesy.
First woman through the door. Nothing.
Second woman through the door. Nothing.
Third woman. "Thank you." And I thanked her.
Too often we minimize the "hellos" and "thank yous" to nothing. No exchange of words, no appreciation is given.
Then society looks at the youth as they brush shoulders with ignorance. And we want more. But if her mother didn't say excuse me, and her grandmother didn't say excuse me. How can we demand it?
Yes, I understand that what you have been born into does not determine where you go; but, foundation is everything. We in our growing stages mimic what we see. Therefore "we" are reproductions of ignorance.
Exactly, I can't expect a woman to know proper grooming of her body, if she's never been taught it. So here's the thing...It's time or all for all of us to become TEACHERS!