Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chewing the Feet Off

Yet another "exhaling moment" about the state of Black America. (Applies to all races, but hits home for me)

I thought I knew disappointment. When my mother took a break from buying me my barbies, because I would chew the feet off, I was disappointed. Once she began to buy them again, and coined them as "collector's items" I was disappointed. I had more growing to do before I could appreciate her "investment."

Now, at a stage where I am taking on my own responsibilities and am no longer chewing the feet off of my barbies, I still experience disappointment. Yes within my life at times, but that is not the point of this blog. I am sadden with the state of females today. The young ones, the mother's who raised them, and the mother's who raised them.

I see generations go in and out of the office seeking assistance for one to eight children (sometimes more) and themselves. With at times an educational level that hasn't passed the 9th, or even worse, the mother has completed the 11th grade. One more year to go. Pop the baby/babies out, apply for assistance, and never go back to school.

Policy states one particular person, cannot receive any form (financial or food supplement/stamps) assistance for more than 60 months (5 years) and in this 5 years you should be able to get your act together and provide for self and child/children. 5 years! Are you serious?? I have never been the one to like a "hand-out" but I do realize help is needed at some point; but at what time do we say enough is enough, let me teach you to fish.

Then I'll have the customers who come in, yelling, "What am I supposed to do, I can't feed my kids!" Every bit of me wants to say, Do the same thing I'm doing... Work! But I can't so I silence my actual thoughts because they may find their way out... and try to help them feed their kids.


I am in no way discrediting all, but many that I come across in my line of work cause me to carry a burden. One that I am not built to bear, nor would I like to, but as a passionate person I am not able to turn my emotions off and on simply because I don't know the person on an intimate level. I care for them and what they represent, that, being me, and am left disappointed and wanting more.

*(Not disclosing my exact job title intentionally)

1 comment:

  1. Well, The state of “our black people” is critical. However, our generation is now experiencing mental slavery like every before; and sorry to say, some may never break the shackles. The very institution we work for have place barriers for these outcomes we see every day. The only thing that can save our generation is education, but even then we must be careful.
