Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Three Hours

Going off of three hours of sleep, and trying not to lose a beat.

With work, school, personal projects and leisure time, I find myself quite exhausted. "Everyone" says, you can sleep when you die; but I think I would at least like to be well rested enough now, to enjoy my today. But when can I sleep? Will I ever get eight hours in, and truly feel refreshed?

Where did my naps go? I use to be able to take a nap a day, but now, I'm lucky if I get a nap every two weeks.

After work the other day, I wanted to get a manicure, and a pedicure. For whatever reason I decided to come home... and take a shower... and, without being planned, quite the shower, I took a nap. Passed out on my bed, still dripping slightly, with a towel covering me.

Tired doesn't begin to explain what I was experiencing. And I have the nerve to want a second job! But money talks right, and bills have the potential to go to collections if you don't pay them... So, I guess for now, I'll take three hours of sleep opposed to none, and push forward in the A.M.!

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